Source code for slouch

import functools
import inspect
import json
import logging
import pprint
import sys
import traceback

from docopt import docopt, DocoptExit
from slacker import Slacker
import websocket

from . import testing  # noqa
from ._version import __version__  # noqa

# Message server will reject a message longer than 16kbs 
# or 4000 characters. See

def _dual_decorator(func):
    """This is a decorator that converts a paramaterized decorator for
    no-param use.


    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        if ((len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and callable(args[0])
             and not (type(args[0]) == type and issubclass(args[0], BaseException)))):
            return func()(args[0])
        elif len(args) == 2 and inspect.isclass(args[0]) and callable(args[1]):
            return func(args[0], **kwargs)(args[1])
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

def help(opts, bot, _):
    """Usage: help [<command>]

    With no arguments, print the form of all supported commands.
    With an argument, print a detailed explanation of a command.
    command = opts['<command>']
    if command is None:
        return bot.help_text()

    if command not in bot.commands:
        return "%r is not a known command" % command

    return bot.commands[command].__doc__

class _CommandMeta(type):
    If the commands dict is a class field on Bot, then all subclasses will share one registry.

    This metaclass initializes a separate registry on each class.

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        new_cls = super(_CommandMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
        new_cls.commands = {}

        return new_cls

[docs]class Bot(object): """ A Bot connects to Slack using the `RTM API <>`__ and responds to public messages that are directed to it with username- or at-mentions. Manage the Bot's channels in Slack itself with the `/join` command. A Bot can be in multiple Slack channels (though state is not isolated by channel). """ __metaclass__ = _CommandMeta @classmethod @_dual_decorator
[docs] def command(cls, name=None): """ A decorator to convert a function to a command. A command's docstring must be a docopt usage string. See for what it supports. Commands receive three arguments: * opts: a dictionary output by docopt * bot: the Bot instance handling the command (eg for storing state between commands) * event: the Slack event that triggered the command (eg for finding the message's sender) Additional options may be passed in as keyword arguments: * name: the string used to execute the command (no spaces allowed) They must return one of three things: * a string of response text. It will be sent via the RTM api to the channel where the bot received the message. Slack will format it as per * None, to send no response. * a dictionary of kwargs representing a message to send via Use this to send more complex messages, such as those with custom link text or DMs. For example, to respond with a DM containing custom link text, return `{'text': '<|my text>', 'channel': event['user'], 'username':}`. Note that this api has higher latency than the RTM api; use it only when necessary. """ # adapted from def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _cmd_wrapper(rest, *args, **kwargs): try: usage = _cmd_wrapper.__doc__.partition('\n')[0] opts = docopt(usage, rest) except (SystemExit, DocoptExit) as e: # opts did not match return str(e) return func(opts, *args, **kwargs) cls.commands[name or func.__name__] = _cmd_wrapper return _cmd_wrapper return decorator
[docs] def help_text(cls): """Return a slack-formatted list of commands with their usage.""" docs = [cmd_func.__doc__ for cmd_func in cls.commands.values()] # Don't want to include 'usage: ' or explanation. usage_lines = [doc.partition('\n')[0] for doc in docs] terse_lines = [line[len('Usage: '):] for line in usage_lines] terse_lines.sort() return '\n'.join(['Available commands:\n'] + terse_lines)
[docs] def __init__(self, slack_token, config): """ Do not override this to perform implementation-specific setup; use :func:`prepare_bot` instead. No IO will be done until :func:`run_forever` is called (unless :func:`prepare_bot` is overridden to perform some). :param slack_token: a Slack api token. :param config: an arbitrary dictionary for implementation-specific configuration. The same object is stored as the `config` attribute and passed to prepare methods. """ #: the same config dictionary passed to init. self.config = config self._current_message_id = 0 #: a Logger (``logging.getLogger(__name__)``). self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This doesn't perform IO. #: a `Slacker <>`__ instance created with `slack_token`. self.slack = Slacker(slack_token) #: the bot's Slack id. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None #: the bot's Slack name. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None #: the bot's Slack mention, equal to ``<@%s> %`` . #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. self.my_mention = None #: a `WebSocketApp <>`__ instance. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None self.prepare_bot(self.config)
[docs] def prepare_bot(self, config): """ Override to perform implementation-specific setup. This is called once by :func:`__init__` and is not called on connection restarts. """ pass
[docs] def prepare_connection(self, config): """ Override to perform per-connection setup. This is called by run_forever and on connection restarts. """ pass
[docs] def run_forever(self): """Run the bot, blocking forever.""" res = self.slack.rtm.start()"current channels: %s", ','.join(c['name'] for c in res.body['channels'] if c['is_member'])) = res.body['self']['id'] = res.body['self']['name'] self.my_mention = "<@%s>" % = websocket.WebSocketApp( res.body['url'], on_message=self._on_message, on_error=self._on_error, on_close=self._on_close, on_open=self._on_open) self.prepare_connection(self.config)
def _bot_identifier(self, message): """Return the identifier used to address this bot in this message. If one is not found, return None. :param message: a message dict from the slack api. """ text = message['text'] formatters = [ lambda identifier: "%s " % identifier, lambda identifier: "%s:" % identifier, ] my_identifiers = [formatter(identifier) for identifier in [, self.my_mention] for formatter in formatters] for identifier in my_identifiers: if text.startswith(identifier): self.log.debug("sent to me:\n%s", pprint.pformat(message)) return identifier return None def _handle_command_response(self, res, event): """Either send a message (choosing between rtm and postMessage) or ignore the response. :param event: a slacker event dict :param res: a string, a dict, or None. See the command docstring for what these represent. """ response_handler = None if isinstance(res, basestring): response_handler = functools.partial(self._send_rtm_message, event['channel']) elif isinstance(res, dict): response_handler = self._send_api_message if response_handler is not None: response_handler(res) def _handle_long_response(self, res): """Splits messages that are too long into multiple events :param res: a slack response string or dict """ is_rtm_message = isinstance(res, basestring) is_api_message = isinstance(res, dict) if is_rtm_message: text = res elif is_api_message: text = res['text'] message_length = len(text) if message_length <= SLACK_MESSAGE_LIMIT: return [res] remaining_str = text responses = [] while remaining_str: less_than_limit = len(remaining_str) < SLACK_MESSAGE_LIMIT if less_than_limit: last_line_break = None else: last_line_break = remaining_str[:SLACK_MESSAGE_LIMIT].rfind('\n') if is_rtm_message: responses.append(remaining_str[:last_line_break]) elif is_api_message: template = res.copy() template['text'] = remaining_str[:last_line_break] responses.append(template) if less_than_limit: remaining_str = None else: remaining_str = remaining_str[last_line_break:] self.log.debug("_handle_long_response: splitting long response %s, returns: \n %s", pprint.pformat(res), pprint.pformat(responses)) return responses def _send_rtm_message(self, channel_id, text): """Send a Slack message to a channel over RTM. :param channel_id: a slack channel id. :param text: a slack message. Serverside formatting is done in a similar way to normal user message; see `Slack's docs <>`__. """ message = { 'id': self._current_message_id, 'type': 'message', 'channel': channel_id, 'text': text, } self._current_message_id += 1 def _send_api_message(self, message): """Send a Slack message via the chat.postMessage api. :param message: a dict of kwargs to be passed to slacker. """**message) self.log.debug("sent api message %r", message) # Websocket callbacks. def _on_message(self, ws, raw_event): try: event = json.loads(raw_event) if 'type' not in event or event['type'] != 'message': return if 'text' not in event: # These are mostly changed messages, which we don't respond to right now. return identifier = self._bot_identifier(event) if not identifier: return body = event['text'].partition(identifier)[2].strip() cmd, _, rest = body.partition(' ') if cmd in self.commands: try: res = self.commands[cmd](rest, self, event) except Exception as e: self.log.exception("%s while handling %r", e, body) # Send the exception and the final line of the traceback. # TODO this doesn't always pick out the right line. t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() res = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(t, v)) tb_entries = traceback.extract_tb(tb, 3) res += ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb_entries[2:])) else: res = "Unrecognized command.\n%s" % self.help_text() self.log.debug("received command response %r", res) responses = self._handle_long_response(res) for r in responses: self._handle_command_response(r, event) except Exception as e: # websocket-client swallows exceptions in callbacks self.log.exception("%s during _on_message. event:\n%s", e, pprint.pformat(raw_event)) def _on_error(self, ws, error): self.log.error(error) def _on_close(self, ws, code, reason): self.log.warning("websocket closed. code: %r, reason: %r", code, reason) # Attempt to reconnect. # No need to reset _current_message_id: slack just requires ids that are unique per session. self.run_forever() def _on_open(self, ws):"websocket opened")